The Leverette's Genealogy Pages

History of Jeff's & Renee's families

Ancestors Who Fought in the Civil War 1861-1865

Name Regiment/Company Service Results
David Autry Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H Became sick, deserted because union side had medical supplies
Henry S. Autry Georgia 11th Battalion Artillery/Sumter Artillery Surrendered at Appomattox
James C. Autry Georgia 64th Infantry/Company G Became sick and died 30 Sep 1863
John English Autry Georgia 64th Infantry/Company G Surrendered at Appomattox
Enoch Johnson Georgia 9th Infantry/Company K Survived the War
James Thomas Johnson Georgia 10th Battalion Infantry KIA, 30 Mar 1863
Levi Madison Johnson Georgia 27th Infantry Survived the War
William Jasper Johnson Georgia 11th Battalion, Artillery (Sumter Artillery) Unknown at this Time
James Hamilton Leverett Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H KIA, Peterburg, Virginia (Battle of the Crater)
John W. Leverett Alabama 20th Infantry/Company F Survived the War
Robert J. Leverett Georgia 17th Infantry/Company K Still researching military service
William Jasper Leverett Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H Surrendered at Appomattox
William Judson Leverett Florida 4th Infantry/ Company C Survived the War (thats all I know)
Asa Jameson Loper Florida 1st Reserves Infantry/Company D Survived the War
Curtis Andrew Loper Florida 2nd Cavalry,Company I Survived the War
Elias John McClelland 10th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company B Survived the War
Marion Bonus McClelland 10th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company B Survived the War
Daniel J. McCranie Georgia 54th Infantry/Company E Survived the War, Paroled 1865-05-24 Thomasville, Georgia
Daniel W. McCranie Georgia 29th Infantry/ Company G KIA, 1862
Elijah M. McCranie Georgia 29th Infantry/Company D Survived the War
Elza McCranie Georgia 51st Infantry/Company B Survived the War
Josiah McCranie Georgia 50th Infantry/Company I Imprisoned 17 Sep 1862, died while in prison camp 11 Jan 1863
Malcolm McCranie Georgia 29th Infantry/Company C KIA, 2 Feb 1862
William McCranie Georgia 29 Infantry/Company G Survived War
William (Waldo) C. McCranie Georgia 29th Infantry/Company D Survived War, was Discharged for Disability
David W. Oxford 8th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company C Survived the War
John Henry Oxford Georgia 39th Infantry/Company K Imprisoned 4 Jul 1863, Paroled in 1863. Mustered out 26 Apr 1865
William Baker Oxford Georgia 45 Infantry/ Survived the War
James S. Oxley Georgia 49th Infantry/Company A Wounded twice, 2nd wound occured May 1864 and left hospital without permission
John W. Poppell 2nd Regiment, Florida Cavalry/Company C,D Survived the War
John Puryear Georgia Calvalry 6th Battalion/Company C (State Guards) Survived the War
George Thomas Redd Florida 11th Infantry Unknown at this Time
Charmer Addison Rouse Georgia 3rd Reserves Infantry/Company E Survived the War
Robert Rouse 50th Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company I Unknown at this Time
William Robert Russell Georgia 36 Infantry/Company I Imprisonment 4 Jul 1863, Paroled 15 Jul 1863, no Further Record
Alexander William Stephenson Georgia 15th Infantry/Company B Survived the War, Wounded on 29 Sep 1864 at Chapin's Farm, Virginia
Asa Castleberry Stephenson 4th Battalion, Georgia Infantry (State Guards)/Company C Survived the War
Joseph Whitner Stephenson 15th Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company B Survived the War
Columbus Henry Stribling 52nd Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company K Survived the War
Edward Washington Vann Florida 11th Infantry Regiment/Company G Imprisoned 10 Sep 1864 at Petersburg, Virginia, died in prison camp 26 Oct 1864
James Emery Vann First Cherokee Mounted Rifles, M-Y Survived the War
John Walls Vann Florida 5th Infantry/Company E Survived the War
Thomas Jeremiah Vann Florida 1st Infantry/Company F Survived the War

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