The Leverette's Genealogy Pages
History of Jeff's & Renee's families
Name | Regiment/Company | Service Results |
David Autry | Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H | Became sick, deserted because union side had medical supplies |
Henry S. Autry | Georgia 11th Battalion Artillery/Sumter Artillery | Surrendered at Appomattox |
James C. Autry | Georgia 64th Infantry/Company G | Became sick and died 30 Sep 1863 |
John English Autry | Georgia 64th Infantry/Company G | Surrendered at Appomattox |
Enoch Johnson | Georgia 9th Infantry/Company K | Survived the War |
James Thomas Johnson | Georgia 10th Battalion Infantry | KIA, 30 Mar 1863 |
Levi Madison Johnson | Georgia 27th Infantry | Survived the War |
William Jasper Johnson | Georgia 11th Battalion, Artillery (Sumter Artillery) | Unknown at this Time |
James Hamilton Leverett | Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H | KIA, Peterburg, Virginia (Battle of the Crater) |
John W. Leverett | Alabama 20th Infantry/Company F | Survived the War |
Robert J. Leverett | Georgia 17th Infantry/Company K | Still researching military service |
William Jasper Leverett | Georgia 64th Infantry/Company H | Surrendered at Appomattox |
William Judson Leverett | Florida 4th Infantry/ Company C | Survived the War (thats all I know) |
Asa Jameson Loper | Florida 1st Reserves Infantry/Company D | Survived the War |
Curtis Andrew Loper | Florida 2nd Cavalry,Company I | Survived the War |
Elias John McClelland | 10th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company B | Survived the War |
Marion Bonus McClelland | 10th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company B | Survived the War |
Daniel J. McCranie | Georgia 54th Infantry/Company E | Survived the War, Paroled 1865-05-24 Thomasville, Georgia |
Daniel W. McCranie | Georgia 29th Infantry/ Company G | KIA, 1862 |
Elijah M. McCranie | Georgia 29th Infantry/Company D | Survived the War |
Elza McCranie | Georgia 51st Infantry/Company B | Survived the War |
Josiah McCranie | Georgia 50th Infantry/Company I | Imprisoned 17 Sep 1862, died while in prison camp 11 Jan 1863 |
Malcolm McCranie | Georgia 29th Infantry/Company C | KIA, 2 Feb 1862 |
William McCranie | Georgia 29 Infantry/Company G | Survived War |
William (Waldo) C. McCranie | Georgia 29th Infantry/Company D | Survived War, was Discharged for Disability |
David W. Oxford | 8th Battalion, Georgia Infantry/Company C | Survived the War |
John Henry Oxford | Georgia 39th Infantry/Company K | Imprisoned 4 Jul 1863, Paroled in 1863. Mustered out 26 Apr 1865 |
William Baker Oxford | Georgia 45 Infantry/ | Survived the War |
James S. Oxley | Georgia 49th Infantry/Company A | Wounded twice, 2nd wound occured May 1864 and left hospital without permission |
John W. Poppell | 2nd Regiment, Florida Cavalry/Company C,D | Survived the War |
John Puryear | Georgia Calvalry 6th Battalion/Company C (State Guards) | Survived the War |
George Thomas Redd | Florida 11th Infantry | Unknown at this Time |
Charmer Addison Rouse | Georgia 3rd Reserves Infantry/Company E | Survived the War |
Robert Rouse | 50th Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company I | Unknown at this Time |
William Robert Russell | Georgia 36 Infantry/Company I | Imprisonment 4 Jul 1863, Paroled 15 Jul 1863, no Further Record |
Alexander William Stephenson | Georgia 15th Infantry/Company B | Survived the War, Wounded on 29 Sep 1864 at Chapin's Farm, Virginia |
Asa Castleberry Stephenson | 4th Battalion, Georgia Infantry (State Guards)/Company C | Survived the War |
Joseph Whitner Stephenson | 15th Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company B | Survived the War |
Columbus Henry Stribling | 52nd Regiment, Georgia Infantry/Company K | Survived the War |
Edward Washington Vann | Florida 11th Infantry Regiment/Company G | Imprisoned 10 Sep 1864 at Petersburg, Virginia, died in prison camp 26 Oct 1864 |
James Emery Vann | First Cherokee Mounted Rifles, M-Y | Survived the War |
John Walls Vann | Florida 5th Infantry/Company E | Survived the War |
Thomas Jeremiah Vann | Florida 1st Infantry/Company F | Survived the War |
We make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact us.